Emotional Support Animals Now Banned on Commercial Flights — Airlines are Crying “Woof”
News accounts abound of passengers bringing a variety of so-called “emotional support” animals aboard commercial air flights. Who hasn’t seen a cute, expensive dog, cat or other animals on flights? And we have also heard about passengers bringing along cats, turkeys, lizards and emotional support snakes aboard commercial flights. Well, the days of flying pets for free are over, according to new federal rules.
Last week, the Department of Transportation (DOT) adopted new rules that only specially trained dogs can assist passengers with physical or psychiatric disabilities on commercial flights. This rule comes after years of abuse by passengers who want to have their pets fly free.
Under the Air Carriers Act, passengers could bring their “emotional support” animals aboard commercial flights. All the passenger needed was a note from a friendly doctor or therapist stating that the passenger required the animal for emotional support in flight. For $175, anyone can go online and fill out a check-the-box questionnaire and receive a letter from a doctor or therapist stating that the passenger needs the company of an emotional support animal to fly safely. With such a note, pets could fly free of charge. For another $75 one can buy an “official” looking dog vest and emblem, purporting to be an emotional support animal certification on eBay. But such “notes” and indicia are meaningless, as there is no legitimate certification for emotional support animals.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has already redefined “service animals” as dogs and miniature horses (yes, miniature horses) that are specially trained to assist people with disabilities. The DOJ no longer recognizes emotional support animals as service animals. If a passenger insists on traveling with their emotional support animal, they now need to check them into the cargo hold and pay a fee set by each airline. Passengers wishing to bring their service dogs aboard will need to verify that the animal has received its shots, has a healthy temperament and special training. The rule does not bar specific breeds such as pit bulls. Of course, the airline can refuse to allow dogs that are aggressive or dangerous on board.
If you need to travel on a commercial airline and want to transport your emotional support animal, you will need to pay for the animal to travel in the cargo hold. The days of emotional support animals flying for free are over.
While the Air Carriers Act applies only to airlines, hoteliers, retailers and others classified as “public accommodations” should know that they do not have to accept emotional support animals.