The Global Financial Crisis is motivating lenders, developers and operators to get creative. We at JMBM are busy looking at opportunities with our clients to purchase and/or reposition distressed hotel properties, unsold condo hotels or condo hotel inventory, and unsold timeshares and timeshare inventory. Some of these properties will need…
Articles Posted by Martin H. Orlick
ADA Lawyer alert for hotels and restaurants: ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) put on hold so Obama administration can review.
ADA Compliance perspective With the increasing importance of ADA compliance for hotels, restaurants, and other public places, we are lucky to have a team that can help set up ADA compliance approaches and programs to minimize later issues on new construction, rehab, and defense of ADA claims from the government…
ADA defense lawyers: ADA Sweeps by U.S. Department of Justice — Coming to a theater district or Hotel near you soon?
The Department of Justice “ADA Sweeps” in NYC’s Times Square theater district I have been defending clients in a number of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) ADA investigations. A number of our clients have properties in New York City, and one of them was included in the DOJ’s “Manhattan Hotels/Time…
Is your business ready for an ADA Class Action because visually impaired do not have accessibility to your website?
Target Corporation was sued under the ADA for inaccessibility of its website We gave you an early heads up about how lawsuits brought under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) can target your website or online reservation system . . . and what you should do about it now. (See…
ADA litigation must be brought for a proper purpose
A “professional plaintiff” that has filed more than 400 nearly identical lawsuits against hotels, restaurants and other businesses in California may have to find a new line of work. The U.S. Supreme has let stand a prior ruling that this serial plaintiff, and his lawyer, cannot file ADA lawsuits without…
How hotel swimming pools may spawn ADA lawsuits and what to do about it
The ADA Compliance and Defense Blog asks Marty Orlick, Chair of JMBM’s ADA Compliance & Defense Group about ADA litigation involving pool lifts ADA lawsuits regarding pool lifts sound like a very specialized and narrow category of claim. Is this a threat of any real significance? Last year, I would…
How your company’s website can make you a target for ADA lawsuits
How can the ADA apply to web sites? While most hoteliers are aware of how the ADA affects architectural barriers, paths of travel, parking spaces, swimming pools and even guests’ service animals, a recent court ruling has opened up an entirely new area to litigation: websites. When the Americans with…
Who’s crying “woof”? What you should know about ADA requirements for disabled guests and their service animals
Service animals are not pets According to the law, service animals are not pets. Whether your hotel is “pet friendly” or a “no pets” establishment does not affect your obligation to treat disabled guests with service animals like all other guests: they are to be provided the same services and…
Landmark ADA case could provide relief for California hotels
On October 26, 2006, the California state Court of Appeal ruled that disabled plaintiffs suing for damages under California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act (Unruh Act), must prove intentional discrimination in order to recover the $4,000 minimum damages per offense” that makes this kind of litigation so lucrative to plaintiffs and…
ADA Update — Federal Courts Denying Plaintiffs’ Attorneys’ Fees
Hotels and other targets of ADA lawsuits have found a friend in the U.S. Constitution: Article III. Many thousands of ADA lawsuits have been filed in federal District Courts in the past few years. A large percentage of the plaintiffs filing these lawsuits are represented by a handful of plaintiffs’…