
Articles Posted in CASp


Serial ADA Plaintiffs Shifting Their Focus to Berkeley, and Three Basic Tips to Prepare for a Possible ADA Suit Against Your Business

Recently, there has been a flood of ADA lawsuits against small businesses in the City of Berkeley. Berkeley has historically been overlooked by serial ADA plaintiffs, seeing only about a few cases each year. However, it seems like these serial ADA plaintiffs have turned their attention to the City, which…


Will California law changes discourage abusive ADA litigation? The jury is still out . . .

Since January 2005, 16,530 lawsuits alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) have been filed in federal courts across the country. More of these lawsuits were filed in California than in any other state. Some believe that California is a hotbed of ADA litigation because California law awards…


Buying a Hotel? Don’t buy an ADA lawsuit or DOJ Investigation

Jim Butler, Chair of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group reports that many investors view our current economic downtime as the perfect opportunity to purchase distressed hotel and motel assets at substantial discounts. Before any of these investors complete a purchase transaction, however, they should add one more item to their due…


ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: California’s Certified Access Specialist program — Does it provide all of the intended ADA protections?

CASp may not be a “silver bullet” but CASp compliance is still a smart move California’s 2009 Construction-Related Accessibility Standards Compliance Act (“the Act”) was designed to curb abusive ADA litigation by creating the Certified Access Specialist program (CASp). CASp enables business owners to follow procedures to “certify” that their…


ADA Hotel Lawyers: California opens door to more ADA litigation, but also offers protection to the well-informed

ADA Lawyer Update: California Supreme Court decision likely to fuel increased ADA litigation, but the Certified Access Specialists program (CASp) offers some protection A step backward In a decision that is likely to lead to more lawsuits filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California’s disabled access laws,…

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