New Resource: The ADA Compliance and Defense Guide Download your free copy here. The Global Hospitality Group® of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP (JMBM) is pleased to announce the latest publication in our We Wrote the Book™ series : The ADA Compliance and Defense Guide, a practical handbook for…
Articles Posted in Compliance
ADA Issues on Websites: Department of Justice Poised to Adopt Accessible Website Standards
Since at least 2000, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has been advocating standardized website development and content to promote access to blind and low vision internet users. In 2013, the DOJ withdrew its proposed Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making (ANPRM) which would have established standardized internet protocols by…
ADA compliance and defense lawyer alert: Charles Schwab settles claim over website accessibility
On May 2, 2012, Charles Schwab & Co. announced an initiative to make its website more accessible for all customers, particularly those who are blind or have sight disabilities. This high-profile development was part of the settlement of a claim by Kit Lau, a Charles Schwab customer for more than…
ADA ALERT – A call to action before the March 15, 2012 ADA deadline
You have certainly heard about the new rules going into effect on March 15 under the Americans with Disabilities Act or “ADA.” Here is some straight talk about WHY you should act now, and WHAT you should do. 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD ACT NOW! March 15, 2012 is the effective…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: New ADA compliance standards for golf courses. What do they mean to you?
What you need to know for your golf course to comply with the new ADA Standards and how to avoid costly litigation or a DOJ investigation ADA Compliance is par for the course Effective March 15, 2012, all … golf courses open to play by the general public must comply…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: New ADA regulations kick in soon. Say goodbye to "grandfathering" under the ADA
Certain regulations become effective March 15, 2012. Hopefully, you are already working on bringing your swimming pools, wading pools and spas, golf facilities, fitness facilities, steam rooms, and saunas (and more — see below) into compliance with the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (specifically the 2010 Standards for Public Accommodations…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer on How to quickly lose business: no ADA-compliant reservation system
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: ADA reservation system requirements The US Department of Justice has revised the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the first time in nearly 20 years. While the revisions to the ADA Regulations include broad changes in many areas, today’s blog focuses on…
Buying a Hotel? Don’t buy an ADA lawsuit or DOJ Investigation
Jim Butler, Chair of JMBM’s Global Hospitality Group reports that many investors view our current economic downtime as the perfect opportunity to purchase distressed hotel and motel assets at substantial discounts. Before any of these investors complete a purchase transaction, however, they should add one more item to their due…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer Alert: New Regulations Now in Effect
On July 23, 2010, the U.S. Attorney General signed into law important revisions to the Department of Justice’s Regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act. The new regulations also include substantial and far reaching revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), which are now known as the…
ADA defense lawyers: When disabled hotel guests’ needs go beyond the norm for typical guests, what do hotel owners and managers have to do?
As many hotel owners know, both Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California law mandates that all public accommodations–including virtually all hotels and inns–remove architectural and communication barriers, modify their policies and procedures, and provide other auxiliary aides and accessible services. But these requirements can be…