On June 12, 2023, the California Assembly’s Judicial Committee re-drafted the content of an existing bill, AB1757, to pertain specifically to website accessibility and the adoption of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.1 into disabled access law. AB1757 specifically permits plaintiffs the right to sue businesses if the business’s…
ADA Compliance and Defense Blog
Has Your Business Been Sued by Manning Law, APC or These Plaintiffs? How to Defend These Unruh Civil Rights Act Lawsuits
Manning Law, APC has been filing hundreds of lawsuits on behalf of serial plaintiffs for alleged violations of the California Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code § 51 et seq. and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Manning Law, APC generally files each lawsuit on behalf of one of…
Companies That Manage Special District Websites May Ultimately Be Liable For ADA Compliance
Special districts are independent, governmental agencies or entities established to deliver specialized services to the community, including health, safety, and well-being. Think fire departments, sewer/water districts, and parks departments. Often special districts use private, outside companies to manage parts of the special district’s operations, such as hosting and maintenance of…
California Unruh Civil Rights Act Law Basics
Unruh Act Background While many people are familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Unruh Civil Rights Act often receives less attention. Yet it has become the focus of thousands of lawsuits against landlords and businesses in California. The California Unruh Civil Rights Act is a state law…
United African Asian Abilities Club Through David Wakefield Sue Apartment Buildings: How to Respond
A group known as the United African Asian Abilities Club (UAAAC), through its attorney David Wakefield, has been filing a large number of lawsuits against apartment complexes. The largely boilerplate lawsuits, filed mainly in Los Angeles and Southern California, allege violations of the Fair Housing Act due to accessibility conditions…
ADA Title III Law Basics for Businesses and Landlords
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulates “places of public accommodation,” which covers nearly all businesses, commercial landlords, commercial tenants and their websites that are open to the public. The basic rule is that “No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the…
Serial ADA Plaintiffs Shifting Their Focus to Berkeley, and Three Basic Tips to Prepare for a Possible ADA Suit Against Your Business
Recently, there has been a flood of ADA lawsuits against small businesses in the City of Berkeley. Berkeley has historically been overlooked by serial ADA plaintiffs, seeing only about a few cases each year. However, it seems like these serial ADA plaintiffs have turned their attention to the City, which…
Why Are There So Many ADA Lawsuits? The Need For Legal Reform
As many business owners and commercial landlords know all too well, the number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuits appears out of control, particularly in California where approximately 40 percent of ADA lawsuits are filed. Why is this? The answer lies in the legislative design. The ADA was signed…
Has Your Business Received A Letter From Apex Trial Law Or Thomas Dorobiala? How To Defend These Unruh Civil Rights Act Claim Letters
Recently Thomas Dorobiala, through his law firm Apex Trial Law, has been sending a large number of complaint letters to various types of businesses alleging that the business’ website fails to comply with the California Unruh Civil Rights Act. Specifically, the letter states that Mr. Dorobiala is hearing impaired and…
Craft Breweries Hit With ADA Website Claims By Pacific Trial Attorneys
Recently, Pacific Trial Attorneys has been pursuing claims against craft breweries throughout California for alleged Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California Unruh Act website violations. Pacific Trial Attorneys is a well-known plaintiff’s law firm that has filed hundreds of ADA lawsuits against various businesses, often using the same few…