One year delay for ADA pool lift requirement On March 26, 2012, the AH&LA announced support for legislation introduced to force a 1 year delay in enforcing the ADA pool lift requirement. The bill was introduced by Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and has 26 original co-sponsors. Authorize portable pool lifts,…
ADA Compliance and Defense Blog
ADA Defense Lawyer: What does the ADA pool lift compliance extension mean to you?
ADA Defense Lawyer: What does the ADA pool lift compliance extension of May 15 mean for you? First, let’s be clear that all compliance dates have NOT been extended! Extended deadline for pool lifts is May 15 Responding to concerns expressed by the hotel, pool and spa manufacturing industries, and…
ADA defense and compliance lawyer: More clarification or confusion on March 15, 2012 ADA standards?
As you should know by now if you are following developments on the Americans with Disabilities Act (or ADA), the most sweeping changes to the ADA in 20 years become effective on March 15, 2012. It seems that almost every day there is some new development or interpretation of the… interviews JMBM’s ADA Defense and Compliance Lawyers
SAN FRANCISCO-The Department of Justice gave March 15 as the deadline for all hotel properties to install pool lifts for disabled guests who could not otherwise use the facilities independently. According to the DOJ, these lifts must be fixed, well-maintained, and exclusive to each pool. Recently, Martin H. Orlilck, an…
ADA ALERT – A call to action before the March 15, 2012 ADA deadline
You have certainly heard about the new rules going into effect on March 15 under the Americans with Disabilities Act or “ADA.” Here is some straight talk about WHY you should act now, and WHAT you should do. 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD ACT NOW! March 15, 2012 is the effective…
ADA Compliance & Defense Lawyer Advisory: DOJ clarifies March 15, 2012 mandatory pool lift requirement
What the DOJ says about portable pool lifts and the new ADA Standards A hotel client called this morning to tell me that they were about to place an order for a large number of portable pool lifts to comply with the 2010 ADA Standards, and asked whether they should…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: New ADA compliance standards for golf courses. What do they mean to you?
What you need to know for your golf course to comply with the new ADA Standards and how to avoid costly litigation or a DOJ investigation ADA Compliance is par for the course Effective March 15, 2012, all … golf courses open to play by the general public must comply…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: New ADA regulations kick in soon. Say goodbye to "grandfathering" under the ADA
Certain regulations become effective March 15, 2012. Hopefully, you are already working on bringing your swimming pools, wading pools and spas, golf facilities, fitness facilities, steam rooms, and saunas (and more — see below) into compliance with the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (specifically the 2010 Standards for Public Accommodations…
ADA Compliance & Defense Lawyer: Updating Service Animal Policies for Your “Place of public accommodation”
The Department of Justice published revised final regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for title III (public accommodations and commercial facilities) on September 15, 2010. Certain of these amendments became effective as of March 15, 2011, including revisions to the provisions of the ADA governing service animals. Rules…
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer on How to quickly lose business: no ADA-compliant reservation system
ADA Defense & Compliance Lawyer: ADA reservation system requirements The US Department of Justice has revised the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for the first time in nearly 20 years. While the revisions to the ADA Regulations include broad changes in many areas, today’s blog focuses on…